Active Membership—Must be at least 18 years of age. Must consent and subscribe to the Charter, Bylaws and Standing orders of the Network. Entitled to all the privileges of membership, including but not limited to holding office, and speaking and voting at Network General Meetings.
Group Associate Membership—Open to churches, church organizations, and church groups sympathetic to the solemn declaration of principles and the aims of the Network. Entitled to attend Network meetings and to the privilege of speaking but not voting at such meetings. Entitled to receive the newsletter and the publications of the Network. May be invited to serve on Standing Committee sub-committees, advisory panels, and task forces
Individual Associate Membership—Must be at least 18 years of age and sympathize with the solemn declaration of principles and the aims of the Network. Entitled to attend Network meetings and to the privilege of speaking but not voting at such meetings. Entitled to receive the newsletter and the publications of the Network. May be invited to serve on Standing Committee sub-committees, advisory panels, and task forces.
Membership inquiries should be made to: